Summary/Reader Response Draft 1

The DTG3 is an underwater drone for inspections and surveys that is incredibly quick to install and trustworthy(DTG3, n.d.). It can come with numerous attachments, enhancing this remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The ROV's revolutionary pitch system allows the users to move the imaging sonar, grabber, and camera head, with the aid of professional engineering and gravity, enabling the user to scan areas or adjust the location of their addons without activating thrusters(DTG3, n.d.). The ROV is built with durable materials and a cutting-edge magnetically coupled thruster design to endure the harsh maritime environment. To control, integrate, communicate, and improve the experience, the DTG3 runs on the Deep Trekker BRIDGE intelligent platform(DTG3, n.d.). Deep Trekker BRIDGE utilizes cutting-edge technology to offer consumers solutions that are simple and easy to use. The ROV would be controlled by a durable Deep Trekker handheld controller that comes with a seven-inch LCD. The controller uses the BRIDGE platform for improved integration(DTG3, n.d.). The DTG3 can access more locations, is safer to use, and has better visibility when compared to a person conducting an underwater investigation.

The DTG3 would offer foresight and resist harsh conditions to guarantee the safety of the individual conducting the underwater investigation. ROVs can be utilized before a dive first in circumstances that are deemed dangerous for the divers. This pre-dive will help to ensure that the area is secure and will give the diver confidence before entering the water(Beens,2021). According to Ocean Explorer(n.d.), ROVs are able to investigate deep waters that are unsafe for humans to reach and stay in the water for much longer which lengthens the time of exploration. Hence, this forward planning and ability to withstand deep water conditions will give divers the confidence to mitigate any situations that will compromise their safety.

The DTG3 has features that help with maneuvering and accessibility in underwater exploration. According to Doornekamp(2021), the DTG3's diminutive size enables the ROV to precisely explore constrained spaces. The ROV’s thrusters are also able to rotate 180 degrees to allow it to move in 6 axes (DTG3, n.d.). These attributes will help with the movement of the ROV, thus allowing it to go into tight and confined spaces, that would be difficult for divers. Divers can access tight spaces more easily with its cutting-edge thrusters and small footprint thanks to its precise maneuverability.

When submerged in water, the person can see more clearly thanks to the DTG3. The ROV is fitted with a variety of features, including lights, a camera, and a sonar. According to Oda Ryggen (2022), the sole reason engineers add sonar to an ROV is to measure the depth and to have information of the sea bed. This will keep improving inspection and navigational accuracy in even the murkiest of waters and the deepest of seas. The ROV will aid in underwater exploration and navigation with all of these additional features.

The DTG3 has drawbacks when used for underwater exploration, though. One of them is that the ship's propeller may catch the ROV's tether line (Ritter, 2021). The ship may not be moving properly in the water, which could be the cause of this. Another problem is that when the currents near the sea bed are too strong, the ROV might be pushed into obstructions (Ritter, 2021). In order to avoid such accidents, operators must conduct their own safety checks and pay close attention to their surroundings while operating the ROV.

I still think that using the DTG3 for underwater exploration has more advantages than disadvantages, as this summary and reader response demonstrates. Instead of running the risk of a diver becoming trapped in small spaces or being swept away by strong currents, it is safer to deploy the ROV.


Beens, K. (2021, June 16). Benefits of an ROV: Safety, accessibility and much more!

Deep Trekker. (n.d.). DTG3 package. DTG3 Package.

Doornekamp, R. (2021, March 25). Improving diver safety in commercial diving. Commercial Diving: Increasing Diver Safety.

Ritter, C. (2021, October 22). The challenges of ROV operations at sea. Deep Ocean Education Project.

Ryggen, O. (2022, March 10). Improve ROV navigation and avoid obstacles underwater with sonars. IMPROVE ROV NAVIGATION AND AVOID OBSTACLES UNDERWATER WITH SONARS.,characteristics%20of%20the%20chosen%20target.

What is an ROV? (n.d).


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